Urban definition, of, relating to, or designating a city or town.

It's a dictionary of…

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one, Michael J. We offer name meanings for over 45,000 different baby names, surnames, and city names from all over the world. , the site contains over 5.01 million definitions. Submissions are regulated by volunteer editors and rated by site visitors. The website was founded in 1999 by Claire Boon and Jonny Koay. Originally, Urban Dictionary was intended as a dictionary of slang, or cultural words or phrases, not typically found in standard dictionaries, but it is now used to define any word, event or phrase. urban dictionary Urban Dictionary is a Web-based dictionary of slang words and phrases.

urban relating to a city; characteristic of city life: There are many benefits to urban living. Last Name History & Meaning Search How much do you really know about your family name? Find the meaning and origin of your last name, and even learn a little history behind your last name! Fox has a small one, Cher and Madonna don't have one, and the Pope has one but doesn't use it.

We have the meaning and origin of last names from cultures around the world. (by far my favourite one – click here and check out why) Urban Dictionary stands out from the herd. The existence of names as definitions on this website is nothing but an obnoxious joke.

An area of definitions on Urban Dictionary with absolutely no purpose except to get on people's nerves by unjustifiably talking about how awesome someone with a certain name is.

We are in the process of building many tools and resources to help make your studies easier.

See more. Not to be confused with: urbane – polished and elegant in manner or style; suave; cosmopolitan: He has a sophisticated, urbane way about him. We invite you to contribute name meanings, ratings, comments, participate in our forums, or contribute facts and information to our growing community. Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced online dictionary for slang words and phrases, operating under the motto "Define Your World." [Urban and urbane once meant the same thing: belonging to a city.