I am not qualified to embark on a hist… The Princess de Montpensier by Mme. She rides immediately to Blois and tells Guise that she is ready to leave Montpensier for him, but he says he must keep his engagement. by Madame de La Fayette. You can read my take on it by clicking on the following link: “Nicholas Sarkozy has an affaire with the Princess of Cleves.”[1] It is thus remarkably timely for acclaimed director Bertrand Tavernier to adapt another of Madame de Lafayette’s works, a short story entitled the Story of the Princess of Montpensier (published anonymously in 1662), for the big screen.

The movie is not about the princess and the men in her life, not even about a very bloody part of French history, but about enlightment and how out of place it is no matter in which historical era it happens. For an American viewer, it lacked pace. It is a story of history happening as it does, without taking sides, without a happy or else ending, simple narration with nice costumes, landscapes and actors. Watch The Princess Of Montpensier movie trailers, exclusive videos, interviews from the cast, movie clips and more at TVGuide.com. If you know me a little, you know that I'm trying to read only books which I'm pretty sure will please me. Oliver C. Colt . Introduction . The Princess of Montpensier is a short novel by Madame de La Fayette which came out anonymously in 1662 as her first published work. Very little can set off such a conflict that even the players cannot understand.

It is regarded not only as one of the first modern novels in French, but also as both the prototype and a masterpiece of the historical novel. The Princess of Montpensier ( 19 ) 6.4 2h 14min 2010 X-Ray When he goes to fight, she's left in the care of an aging noble and is exposed to the sexual and political intrigues at court. The Princess of Montpensier. ‎This story is set in a period almost 100 years previously during the sanguinary wars of the counter-reformation, when the Catholic rulers of Europe, with the encouragement of the Papacy, were bent on extirpating the followers of the creeds of Luther and Calvin.

Montpensier rides to see Marie, telling her that Chabannes is dead, that Anjou is going away to Poland and that Guise is getting married at Blois the next day. So well does Bertrand Tavernier evoke the period that it evokes tangible physical qualities: the warmth of flesh, the coldness of steel, the green fields on which men fight and die. The Princess of Montpensier (2010) French title: La Princesse de Montpensier) I went to see this film directed by Bertrand Tavernier during the Alliance Francaise French Film Festival in Melbourne in March. [2] The Princess of Montpensier is gorgeously photographed, sumptuously costumed, and well, pretty dull. The Princess of Montpensier is gorgeously photographed, sumptuously costumed, and well, pretty dull. 18 févr.

"The Princess of Montpensier" enters the field of the swashbuckling romance, so littered with our memories of other films, and conquers it with a startling freshness. There are a couple of short and excellently directed battle scenes, but most of the film consists of the characters discussing philosophy, the nature of love, the duties of marriage, etc. 2015 - the princess of montpensier - 2010 - Raphaël Personnaz as Duke d'Anjou and Melanie Thierry Bertrand Tavernier is in top form with this gripping, superbly mounted drama set against the savage Catholic/Protestant wars that ripped France apart in the 16th century. She remembers the last words to her of Chabannes: “As you have lost the trust of your husband and the heart of your lover, … The Princess of Montpensier or The Misfortune to be Beautiful and Princess when you don’t live in the kingdom of Disney!