And DON’T cash out! Burglary can be creating or paying back a debt at this level. 550k-700k Mahatma Hotdog. 850k-1m Hand of the Split. Why, do you ask? Heists cost money to start, but if the person has recently stolen from you, the cost is reduced. Split until Tier 6, then steal through Tier 7 through 10. 100k-150k King of Kindness. That is why I recommend you to always-split these tiers. Split or Steal. 150k-250k Kills with Kindness. In average completed “split-only” run without any bonuses you get 20-25% from tier 1-7, and other 75-80% from tier 8-10 (HS). For the biggest payout, the game asks you to push through ten successive levels, splitting or stealing the whole way up. When you encounter a thief at low tier non hs they will have a "recently stolen" tag so you will know, damn I am screwed pretty much he will steal the good thing is you will split and gain karma and also 25% of your pot (if you have purchased the doubler like I mentioned) which is not so bad considering all things you can just go again there no wait times and who knows maybe next run you … In short, split Tiers 1-6, steal Tiers 7-10. If this item is stolen or broken or somehow its 'rightness' with the person who has it is corrupted, then the thief or abuser has incurred a Level 3 Karmic Debt with the owner.
So, stealing in low (t1-3) and mid-(t4-t7) tiers for earning cash is stupid. Because Tier 7 is the last round before you are anonymous. 60k-75k Being of Virtue. 75k-100k Beacon of Light.
400k-550k A Living Saint. So can stealing an idea for a book or a song. 700k-850k The Myth, The Legend. The lower tiers offer a meagre pot for you to split or steal, while the last three tiers offer up huge rewards and obscure details like your name, karma and information so … No one see’s your bad karma or any recently stolen status while in highstakes games. 250k-400k Lord of the Splitters. This encourages people of all types of karma to team up to heist. This guide was created to give the math on how "endgame" works for Split or Steal.
When splitting it is important you know T1 – T7 is low stakes and T8 – T10 is high stakes , in low stakes games you can see their karma , their org , their name , what they are wearing and the lighting they use , if they speak or copy paste , this is a lot of information to take note of the player you are facing. The Oppositions Now that that’s out of the way, lets move on. The lower your karma, the higher you maximum, the higher your karma, the higher your minimum. The Art of Deception. in high stakes all you will have to go buy is the skin lighting and what they say so pay close attention to this at …