Fig. 4.4 compares the amplitude and wavelength of a seismic wave with a sonic log response. Sonic-compensated neutron crossplot. Velocity in Mixed Carbonate-siliciclastics 507 depositional environments ranging from restricted platform to low angle ramp, and mineralogic composition, ranging from pure limestone to dolomite and nearly pure quartz sandstones. I have well log data (in LAS format) and need to get porosity (in %). MATSCI 256 (section 1) Solar Cells, Fuel Cells, and Batteries: Materials for the Energy Solution Bina, in Treatise on Geochemistry, 2003. P-wave velocity, Vp = L/tp = 4,270.8 m/sec S-wave velocity, Vs = L/ts = 2,266.9 m/sec Dynamic Poisson's ratio,

The sound

Dynamic Young's modulus, Ed = 35.44 GPa In general, the dynamic Young's and shear moduli are larger than their static values (there are however instances where the opposite is true). Overview. Rock material properties can be described in the field using qualitative methods and simple classification tests, or, if necessary, in the laboratory using standardized tests.
Kansas well. velocity, weathering, and secondary cavities are prop-erties related to both the rock material and mass. Compressional waves that pass through forma- ... Sonic tools measure the time it takes for an acoustic pulse of sound to travel from a transmitter to a receiver array. Velocity of Sound - Online Calculator - An online Speed of Sound calculator; Velocity of Sound Formulas - Calculate velocity of sound - sonic velocity - in gases, fluids or solids; Velocity of Sound in Air - Velocity of sound in air at temperatures from-40 to 1000 o C (-40 to 1500 o F) at standard atmospheric pressure - Imperial and SI Units These are used typically for binary mixtures of sandstone and limestone or limestone and dolomite.

The velocity of the sound wave measured ... limestone at around 155 μs/m [47.3 μs/ft]. Eissa and Kazi (1988) studied the relation They are both scaled in limestone equivalent porosity units.Notice how the neutron-density and sonic porosity logs track fairly closely at about 3% porosity in the Sniabar limestone, but in the upper part of the Bethany Falls limestone, there is a marked increase in overall porosity and a distinctive