Trotzdem hätte ich niemals einen so guten Rum erwartet. One drink it enough since you will get an amazing spice and pepper overload, but you will also get a long aftertaste lingering due to the high alcohol contain. The Pusser's Gunpowder Proof is another story. Pusser’s ‘Gunpowder Proof’ is a traditional Royal Navy style rum produced at original Admiralty strength and in accordance with the Admiralty’s blending recipe last used when the Royal Navy discontinued its daily ration on 31 July 1970.Gunpowder Proof: Prior to the invention of … It exhibits the very essence of Navy rums, but it simply is too strong to be enjoyed several glasses. Pusser's 'Gunpowder Proof' Black Label (previously known as Blue Label) is a higher proof traditional British Naval rum, produced using the blending recipe from the Admiralty. Pusser’s Gunpowder Proof Rum (it has recently been re-branded in the UK) is as near to the rum issued to sailors in the British Navy as you will get.
Pusser’s ‘Gunpowder Proof’ is a traditional Royal Navy style rum produced at original Admiralty strength and in accordance with the Admiralty’s blending recipe last used when the Royal Navy discontinued its daily ration on 31 July 1970.
Black Tot Day as it was called being 31 July 1970.
The “tot” was abolished in 1970. The rum is steeped in …
Well loved, it picked up a Trophy at the International Spirits Challenge 2016. Etwas leichter ist es mir gefallen den Gunpowder Proof zu kaufen, weil der Pusser's British Navy Nelson's Blood 15 Jahre Rum (1 x 0.7 l) zu meinen Benchmark Rum's gehört. Pusser’s ‘Gunpowder Proof’ is a traditional Royal Navy style rum produced at original Admiralty strength and in accordance with the Admiralty’s blending recipe last used when the Royal Navy discontinued its daily ration on 31 July 1970. Der Gunpowder Proof ist nicht so süß …