Definition of MAMA in the dictionary.
How to use mama in a sentence. Translation of mama at Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary.
— Mandy Mclaren, The Courier-Journal, "Muhammad Ali's cousin blasts Mitch McConnell, Daniel Cameron during Breonna Taylor rally," 27 June 2020 In the agony of his final moments, while …
What does MAMA mean? Over 100,000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases. You can complete the translation of mama given by the English-Spanish Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse.
mama ~ in Spanish. ↔ mama — informele benaming voor moeder door haar kind. Let's make a separation here, Spanish slang varies between places like every other language. It's the "way (something) is." mama ~ meaning » DictZone German-Spanish dictionary. This word hardly makes sense alone, so an adjective or adjectival pronoun, like the kosoado kotoba こそあど言葉, practically always preceeds it. With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for mama and thousands of other words. Meaning of MAMA.
Recent Examples on the Web When your Black mama and grandmama and family sent you to school to do something, that was for your community. A hot mama; a hot babe; a ho of particularly hispanic/spanish but possibly other decent This word can't be translated literally (one word for one word), but, thankfully, its meaning is actually very simple. English Translation of “mamacita” | The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online. Information and translations of MAMA in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
• mamá → Mom ↔ Mama — (umgangssprachlich) für die Mutter • mamá → mummy; mommy ↔ Mutti — Koseform zu Mutter • mamá → mummy; mommy ↔ maman — Nom donné à la mère par son enfant (y compris à l’âge adulte), pour la désigner affectueusement.
Mama definition is - mother.
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One given mama まま would be a given apparent "situation" or "condition."