Unless you are using a testing key that you intend to delete later, add application and API key restrictions. Management API View and manage accounts, properties, views, filters, uploads, permissions, etc. For a detailed reference of the API, see Reference Guide. It is not possible to access Google Analytics API with the API key. 이 툴은 구글에서 제공해주고 있는 Google Analytics 쿼리를 직관적으로 입력하고 그에 따른 결과를 출력해주고, API로 제공까지 해 주는 도구입니다 (링크). If you are trying to access your own data you can use a … How to get Google Analytics API Keys Pass the API key into a REST API call as a query parameter with the following format. Analytics stellt allen Nutzern drei APIs zur Verfügung: Die Collection API ermöglicht die Anpassung des Tracking-Codes, um erweiterte Tracking-Funktionen zu nutzen. There is an updated version of the Google Analytics Reporting API.We recommend migrating your code today to take advantage of the new API's key features. User Deletion API Delete all data in a Google Analytics property associated with a user identifier. How do I get a Google Analytics API key? Each query requires a view (profile) ID, a start and end date, and at least one metric.
The Google Analytics API services represent a free, powerful method of implementing statistics for your website. This document provides a high level overview of the Google Analytics Core Reporting API Version 3.0. also includes support for the Analytics API, what you need in order to implement this is a Google Analytics username, password, API key and a Web property ID. Access the list of API dimensions and metrics and their attributes. You might want to copy your key and keep it secure. Google Analytics is built upon a powerful data reporting infrastructure. More resources Demos and tools See what's possible with the Google Analytics Platform. So können Sie etwa Daten zu Käufen auf Ihrer Website sammeln, Berichte zu zwei Sub-Domains in einer Berichtsdatenansicht erstellen und eigene Besuchertypdefinitionen einrichten. RSSeo! Login using your Google account and Create a new Project. 직접 보면 알 수 있겠지만 굉장히 직관적으로 구성되어있어서 평소에 GA를 사용하는 사람이라면 큰 어려움 없이 바로 사용할 수 있을 것입니다. Click the project drop-down and select or create the project for which you want to add an API key. Access Google APIs Console. You must use Open Authentication. In the Dashboard view, click on Analytics API link. You query the Core Reporting API for Google Analytics report data. The Google Analytics Reporting API v4 gives you access to the power of the Google Analytics platform. Using an API key.
The API key created dialog box displays your newly created key.