the –-stdin switch tells git to read the content from the input, instead of … If a key doesn’t exist, ignore and check the next key. Here's a quick ruby script that corrals up the impact per user against a given log query.

The output of the following command should be reasonably easy to send to script to add up the totals: git log --author="" --oneline --shortstat This gives stats for all commits on the current HEAD.
The – w switch tells it to store the content, otherwise it would just calculate the hash. The extensions below were found in the repository history (extensions used during statistical analysis are marked). gitinspector makes our list because it is one of the easiest tools to install and use. Missing command line flag or config entry for this setting: Please choose an account ... Для удобного просмотра статистики работы над проектом есть gitinspector. To do this using command-line, execute these commands from elevated Command Prompt:. For example, for rubinius:. Exit the Registry Editor. ... example commands are . default ac solaris Debian LIB nso csproj am 3so sed ini conf in cs diff inf txt xml guess pas java sub service 0 spec py init frm t 1 m4 3 vbp 5 rb cfg opt DEVELOPERS yml pl pm files usermap 1so cpp cat php asm man c dpr 5so h dof tcl mk n i sln sh vbw PL ctl cls example bas

As we are changing the configuration of git, you can execute it directly in your project or from any path if the Git variable is available. If you want to add up stats in other branches you will have to … Actually, git already has a command for this: git shortlog in your case, it sounds like you're interested in this form: git shortlog -sne See the --help for various options. Hash-object is a git plumbing command which takes content, stores is it in the database and returns the key. Enable Windows Script Host access using command-line. REG DELETE "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /f REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script … After running it, you'll be provided with an output table similar to this example screenshot , which shows committers, how many LoC they changed, and how much of that LoC came via comments.
command: the full command arguments passed to the Python executable stdin : the Python stdin stream, used to send data to the child process stdout : the Python stdout stream, used for receiving data from the child process Open the Github Powershell or cmd.exe (you need to have git as an environment variable) and execute the following command : git config --system core.longpaths true.