The priest who is celebrating the mass is not allowed to demand a certain amount he must accept what ever is given for that mass if a person cannot afford a stipend or any amount and they ask to have a mass said for someone the priest still has to say a mass for that person.That priest has some nerve to demand e certain amount he should be reported to the bishop right away. That’s why it’s not at all clear why the canonist whom Father D. mentions would tell him anything different. A priest may receive only one Mass Stipend per day. Admission to the seminary varies according to the diocese. MASS STIPEND Offering given to a priest as alms for his maintenance, in return for which he promises to offer a Mass for the donor's intention. Priests do not receive a stipend for the Pro Populo Mass said for the parishioners of the parish. If he offers multiple Masses, he must forward the stipends from the other Masses to the Diocesan Seminary Fund. Note that it is also quite possible for a priest to say Mass for the intention for which a stipend has been given, and simultaneously for other intentions as well. Still, any priest who celebrates Mass is entitled to accept an offering to apply it for a particular intention , although he is not required to obtain either a stipend or an intention from anyone in order to say Mass. It’s so logical, in fact, that the code doesn’t even bother to mention it. If you apply to be a Catholic priest and are blessed to be accepted, you will receive an excellent education without cost to you. Mass Fees . A spokesperson for the diocese informed The Irish Catholic that when a Parish Priest turns 66 his salary is reduced to €15,000 as he will be in receipt of the old age pension. Priestly formation takes place in the seminary where students ultimately decide if this is what they want to do with the rest of their lives. As one example, in July 2011, a job posting for an ordained Roman Catholic priest to serve as the priest chaplain for a hospital offered a minimum hourly salary of $20.24, and a maximum hourly salary of $32.99.
The full-time position offered 32 weekly hours, making the annual salary of a priest for the position, earning the maximum range, slightly under $55,000. Since each concelebrating priest is really saying a Mass, it is only logical that each concelebrating priest can accept a stipend for offering it for a specific intention.