Thailand obtained internet access in 1996, the third country in Southeast Asia to do so. The internet connection speed test measures that amount of time that it takes to download and upload a file. The type of connection you have makes a difference. If you spotted in the Internet Speed test that your network has a low upload speed then it is worth focusing on the upload speed in the Bandwidth Analysis.
However, they are certainly too slow for broadband internet (international internet speed). Instead, internet speed is your (allocated) bandwidth. Currently it ranks on the place 4 from 39 providers in Thailand. We compared 3G and 4G technology to help you understand the differences in speed, availability, and what kinds of internet activities are possible with each. According to a survey by Ookla in 2015, Thailand also has the sixth fastest internet speed at 18.9 Mbit/s behind Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, and China. Internet speed, the number they give you (5 Mbps, for example), has nothing to do with how fast your internet works. AIS Mobile Speed Test AIS Mobile is an internet service provider which operates in Thailand . is an independent third party and is not affiliated with your Internet service provider. Under Network and Internet, click Connect to the Internet. Test your Internet connection bandwidth to locations around the world with this interactive broadband speed test from Ookla 4G is a newer technology and generally delivers faster speeds than 3G. Powerful bandwidth makes a powerful speed test. It’s not like a car or motorcycle where you can measure how fast it goes in miles per hour (mph). If you have a small upload speed … Our results are unbiased because TMN has no vested interest in the outcome of your speed test. Forty-one million people have regular access, just under two-thirds of the population as of June 2016. 3G and 4G are terms used to describe the third and fourth generations of wireless cellular service. What is Internet Speed? To access Internet Speed, Wi-fi Performance & Bandwidth Analysis, please click on the ‘Network’ tab. The type of Internet connection you use is the most important factor in determining your connection speed. AIS Corporate Internet Corporate Internet is a high-speed internet service operated through leased lines for corporate clients who need a stable Internet connection 24/7 with unlimited data transfer capacity. AIS Speed Test, AIS Mobile Internet Speed Test Here, we have provided the service with simple information of AIS Thailand Provided Mobile, Pure Fiber Broadband, DSL, Cable connection Internet Speed Statistics provided by Ookla and various leading experts of ISP industry. This is a non-obtrusive test and the test determines your internet connection speed based on the amount of time that it takes to upload and download the file. Internet speed surpassing the baseline of 25 Mbps is considered to have ‘fast internet.’ While those that are below the recommended margin may or may not be slow for your web activities. If you live in an area with limited broadband options, LTE Internet (Installed) can still give you reliable, high-speed Internet service. The three most common ways to connect to the Internet from home are dial-up, DSL, and cable. We work for the Internet consumers not the Internet …