‘Fire Painting F6’ was created in 1961 by Yves Klein in Nouveau Réalisme style. Fire as a universal explanatory principle: fire painting. Although Klein grew up in a creative household, he received no formal artistic training. Yves Klein (French pronunciation: [iv klɛ̃]; 28 April 1928 – 6 June 1962) was a French artist and an important figure in post-war European art.He was a leading member of the French artistic movement of Nouveau réalisme founded in 1960 by art critic Pierre Restany.
Introduction . Yves Klein wuchs als Sohn des Künstlerehepaares Marie Raymond und Fred Klein teilweise in Paris und in Nizza auf, wo er von 1944 bis 1946 die École Nationale des Langues Orientales besuchte. Werdegang. For a 1958 exhibition entitled The Specialisation of Sensibility in the Raw Material State into Stabilised Pictorial Sensibility, The Void – shortened, thankfully, to The Void – Yves Klein exhibited nothing. Find more prominent pieces of abstract at Wikiart.org – best visual art database. Yves Klein was born on April 28, 1928, in Nice, France, to an artistic family; his mother, Marie Raymond, was a leading figure in the Art Informel movement, while his father, Fred Klein, painted figures and landscapes characteristic of the Post-Impressionists.
Find more prominent pieces of abstract at Wikiart.org – best visual art database. Although Klein had painted monochromes as early as 1949, and held the first private exhibition of this work in 1950, his first public showing was the publication of the artist's book Yves Peintures in November 1954. CROSSING THE THRESHOLD TO THE invisible: FROM blue TO THREE colours. Conclusion: Klein’s artistic trinity. Pink and the expression of incarnation: the return to the body The third element of a trilogy: the Monopinks Pink and blue: flesh and blood in the Grande Anthropophagie . Bibliography . ‘Untitled Color Fire Painting’ was created in 1962 by Yves Klein in Nouveau Réalisme style. Parodying a traditional catalogue raisonné, the book featured a series of intense monochromes linked to various cities he had lived in during the previous years.