Recently I have been working with GNU R optimization routines a lot. I would recommend either of the following instead. So the new my_function is wrapper and so wrapper receives the args and kwargs you pass to my_function. This entry is part 17 of 17 in the series Using RSometimes it is useful to write a wrapper function for an existing function. Wrapper generally refers to a type of packaging, such as a flat sheet made out of paper, cloth, cellophane or plastic to enclose an object. Function optim has a nice trace option that allows to monitor optimization progress. Another standard function optimize has no such feature but it is However, many base R functions, and many functions in older packages, are written in C. It’s useful to be able to Wrapper may also refer to: Wrapper (clothing), both a woman's garment which is worn over nightwear or lingerie in North America, and a colorful women's garment widely worn in West Africa Overview spotifyr is an R wrapper for pulling track audio features and other information from Spotify’s Web API in bulk.
It's a flimsy solution that will cause headache. R’s C interface Reading R’s source code is an extremely powerful technique for improving your programming skills. What if you need to modify a function in functions.R, but wrapper.R relies on the older version of that function? In this short example we demonstrate how to grab the list of arguments passed to a … read Construct reference wrapper (public member function ) operator= Copy assignment (public member function ) get Access element (public member function ) operator() Access element (functional form) (public member function ) ref